Tuesday, May 25, 2010

FEAR at its best

Hello hello!! Guess what I've been up to?! Playing F.E.A.R.! For the sake of things, F.E.A.R. is basically about this team the US government formed, to fight the supernatural, so to speak. FEAR stands for First Encounter Assault Recon. OR Fuck Everything And Run. The latter comes from gamers who have played the game before.

Anyhow, since it is a game about the supernatural, you'd expect something out of the ordinary to happen yes? That happens in this game, where besides the usual firefight, and the dark halls, and long gloomy corridors, and things moving without anything else touching them, and rooms splattered with blood, and half eaten skeletons, there is this one small little girl in a red dress that reduces special ops teams to their bones by turning their flesh to blood in an extremely painful process @_@

Said girl, is Alma and she just happens to be your character's mum in the first game. Say what?!? Go play the game to find out yourself. Or be a wank and google the story out.

Piff. Cowards!!

Anyhow, am in the process of getting FEAR 2 as I am typing this out and waiting for F3AR to be released later this year. Jeng3. Will it never end??

I must say however that this game beats all the other horror games out there right now. Why?? See in games like Doom and Deep Space, you're fighting aliens!! Things that die when you shoot them. So you get a big-freaking gun and start mowing them down later on, no problem. But in FEAR, YOU CAN'T KILL HER GAHHHHH. and she comes and goes like they do in those japanese films!

You may compare with other games that have ghosts in them like Silent Hill, but none of them takes the approach that FEAR does. The horror in the game never feels overused to the point you get used to them like in Deep Space. After the first two hours you come to expect something popping out of the corner and it does! In FEAR, sometimes you get an unknown origin, but nothing happens at all! GAH!!!

So to conclude, pick this game up when you have the time and immerse yourself with a game that has a wonderful storyline and a great way to reallyl get high blood pressure =D

Saturday, May 15, 2010


i haz abandoned the blog D=
poor thing.

Monday, May 10, 2010

Humour Me

Hey people! So! Update time, I think.

1. Brandon coming home soon.
2. Wern Pheng coming home soon. I think.
3. Glee starts on StarWorld this 12th May.
4. Nat is bored.
5. Nat wants to know WHAT SCANDAL BRANDON IS INVOLVED IN!! As announced by Mun Li on the tagboard over there in the sidebar.

Anyway, time for a dose of good humour!

You may all click to enlarge.

YEAAAAAHHH!! By the by, I am not fond of CSI: Miami's Horatio Caine. I mean, the number of times he takes off and puts on his sunglasses is insane. The way he manages to not poke himself in the eyes while taking off and putting on aforesaid sunnies is also absurd. He also stands real funny, like a strange version of the air-lean.

