Saturday, December 11, 2010

Exploding Toilets!

I HAD to blog about this after I read it XD

As per the usual weird incidents that happen in China, this one is a really peculiar one. Apparently, China is now being tormented with exploding toilets besides exploding chairs as well! The incident began in an apartment in China's Zhejiang province, where a woman installed a toilet with an in-seat heater.

Residents of the apartment building reported hearing a loud explosion and saw plumes of black smoke coming from the window of the room in which the toilet was installed. It was reported that the toilet was completely destroyed, with the toilet being split in two, the seat reduced to ashes and even the water tank was charred.

Luckily, no one was using the toilet at the time - I think it wouldn't be a pretty sight. =P In an case the fire department speculated that water leaked into the toilet's electronics and caused a short circuit. This brings into mind one question: Is there ANYTHING in China which doesn't explode??

In any case, there were no pictures of said toilet. So this will do:

PS: I just checked and I noticed I didn't blogged about the exploding chairs incident. My bad. You can hit up the news online if you're interested though XD

Friday, December 10, 2010


HI GUYS. i'm bored.
