Friday, September 4, 2009

Lo and Behold. No one has updated. As to be as expected since Nat abandoned the blog! Evel she be D:

it has come to my attention, that nat and the rj, are having their trials this week, so good luck to you guys!! though there are many more 3 hour long papers to endure, more brain cell-killing-time consuming-pen ink wasting-question practicing to go, i bet you guys will come out of it in one piece. :D you better, because i don't think i can make do with 2 nats.

oh, and the fact that Australia gets movies much slower than we do in Malaysia is... shocking! or it could be the fact that the market for movie goers over there is much smaller due to the higher price for movie tickets even in terms of dollar to dollar. ah wtv, the point is, i was expecting to watch Taking of Pelham 123 when i got back to Malaysia. and the day i got back was the day they stopped showing it!! faggy luck i say.

i also noticed today.. that i have one week of holidays coming up that i never knew of. i kept checking the AUP timetable for the short semester, and couldn't find any holidays for it.. after closely scrutinizing the damn thing, only did i find a very mysterious looking entry called Study Week right smack in the middle of the list... they couldn't name it "Holiday" for some reason and had to disguise it as a study week?? -.-

and i see brandon has been coming here o.o' post up pics of your place yo!!

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