Friday, November 27, 2009

Book Sale Galore!

First it was the MPH book sale.... Large variety but the sales were just so so.

Then there is Big Bad Wolf Books Sale..... EVERYTHING off at least 70%. Now that is a real sale!! And knowing us malaysians, when there is such a sale, there will be people. And what a crowd there was. Yesterday was the first day and it recorded more than 5 thousand customers.. With so many customers on the first day you reckon there'd be less on the 2nd day. But noooo....

Look at the damn crowd just lining up to get in...

The line starts behind the white pillar in the middle. It goes to the other end of the block, curve to where I am taking this picture from..

Then it continues and turn once again....

And before you can think of going to the shop itself, the line snakes another turn all the way to the other end of the block and back to this side of the block.... The picture above? yea those aren't people walking around. All lining up.

Now is the wait worth it. YES!! I got one BOX full of books just for rm112. ALL OF IT!! One of the books I bought retailed at the MPH Book Sale for rm130. Here, it was rm15. =D

I got a box full of books for a price thats lower than what I could get that one book at the MPH book sale...

Said box of books

Now then... who's up for a visit to Pn Lee Hee Ai?? =P

PS: Sorry for the bad picture quality XD

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