Thursday, October 15, 2009

Are you thinking what I'm... (con'd below xD)

...thinking that I think that you're thinking I'm thinking because if you think that I think what I think I'm thinking then we've got a problem?

Haha, doesn't the title get a little confusing? xD

on to the main reason of the post, Nicky's having his open house on Saturday and all readers (that i know of, though you may not actually be invited by reading this but since it is an open house i guess you're invited! [ actually no you're not unless nicky said so]) are invited! =D

there will be glorious food once again! not to mention really scrumptious muruku!!!! ^_^ other than that, it's good to meet up with whoever i can. in addition, i get to rub it in nicky's face the fact that he didn't know he could take the INTI bus back to subang xD rather than taking the taxi to the ktm station, the ktm to central, change ktm to subang and then have his parents get him from the subang ktm station!

and nat, yes, i'm going. so you better go! or else, no more L4d for youuuu. even after your STPM! though i haven't played with you for a while =P but still! come la!!!!

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