Sunday, October 11, 2009

You know it's not your day when...

Note: If you don't play Command and Conquer, you won't get it xD Post credited to gamereplays!

• You suddenly find your Radar has gone offline, courtesy of your MCV having been captured.

• When you send a scout team only to find your opponent already has his roaming around your base merrily.

• Your scout team somehow manages to infiltrate, albeit a bit late, only to find your opponent already has two Refineries with five Harvesters plying.

• You suddenly realize depending too much on Harvesting training was not such a good idea after all when 3–4 Orcas circle atop your Refineries.

• Your Engineer gets ambushed just before Spike capture.

• You hit 'Widen search' on Automatch and end up meeting vOddy.

• And he's mad.

• You hit 'Widen Search' on Automatch and end up meeting another player better than you and even though you want to DC you can't, because he happens to be a Game Admin or a Director, especially concerning "Fair Play Forums".

• You hear the cry of our opponent's Epic unit, while you are still in the midst of gearing up your Tech center.

• You suddenly find a beacon near your Refineries and then hear that deadly 'swooshing' sound of the Catalyst missile, undoing your hard work in a jiff of a moment.

• You send a large army of infantry only to discover they were being smothered by huge chunks of green rocks.

• You gleefully think you are about to take out your opponents Redeemer or Hexapod, only to find it had disappeared all of a sudden.

• You bask in the glory of ensnaring your secondary Tiberium field, only to realize later on that there was a third which your opponent had capitalized on.

• You are just about to smash the last remaining structure of your opponents main base and about to pump your fists in the air, when you suddenly realize, he has moved to a different unknown location. Worse still, your own main base is now near annihilation.

• You decide to take mass Infantry without back up, only to notice your opponent was using them for target practice with his Snipers dealing in headshots.

• You bring in your own Snipers only to find your opponent thought of two more along with a few APC's to pick them up.

• Your Stealth tank manages to sneak in and about to go into action, when you realize its cloak has been broken by Pitbulls and a Sonic emitter already placed at a vantage point.

• You make expensive units only to find some of them turn against you as Cultists take over.

• You bring back up along with your Missile spam, only to find a Commando, while burp, burping a few of them, had jet packed all the way to your MCV.

• You send five fully loaded tanks, ready to smash your opponent to pulp when a bubble holds them in place and they helplessly stare in the faces of some seven Annihilator tripods.

• When you finally manage to take in your army of tanks and Infantry, you suddenly realize the atmosphere is not all that you expected. Ion storms, lighting, thunder, Static and energy blasts hold you in a hypnotic trance till you finally realize this barrier is not going to break all that easily.

• You heave a sigh of relief when you find your opponents blue Tiberium field unoccupied, whilst all the time he was stealing yours.

• Your opponent starts flaming you and worse still, knocks the stuffing out of you, adding insult to injury.

• Finally, you overcome all hurdles only to find your opponent was a rank coward, willing to take the fun away from this game by DC'ing.

• You feel happy that a 3/10 win/loss ratio noob was willing to play against your 10/3 win/loss record and it turns out your opponent was the better smurf.

• You work hard to finally get six Hammerheads laden with Missile squads airworthy and headed towards your opponent, only to hear a supersonic boom vaporizing your hard earned time.

• You type a nice message stating "DC = Report", and after 10 minutes into the game, it is you who are contemplating if indeed DC = Report.

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