Saturday, January 5, 2008


Omg Brandon you STILL haven't cleared out your old books?? That was the first thing I did after accounts paper 1. LOL. But for you should be easy wat. Just dump the whole pile in your sister's lap la. She in Form 4 this year right? Oh ya. Form 4 got that weird top 3 streaming thing also ah? My brother is hating it.

I think my mum would also pay you to come clean up my house, Nat =P Well, she WOULD have la. Now got a new part-time maid already so your services are not needed =D Oh later I ask Kenny pass you some posters during wushu kay? You see if you or Nadia want la. I was going through my old mags that day. Like so sayang to throw.

Jason's been hanging out with the GIRLS in our class. Yesterday, 6 girls plus me plus him seated together at Asia Cafe. Haha. The other guys abit...shy? Ah well. Still early in the year. And we'll be assigned chemistry lab partners! The lecturer will choose our partners for us. She said she normally pairs a girl and a boy. But my class not so balanced the girl:boy ratio lerrr.

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