Monday, January 28, 2008

and now we have....

my wonderful topic is...jeng3...................photonics.tis cool i tell you O.o''

eiher way,i curse brian's group for stealing my effort of finding the answer to get the priority of choosing topics.see,there are 31 topics to choose prevent everyone from rushing to take the nicer ones,our physics teacher said he'll give a question and whichever group that can answer correct the fastest will get to choose topics first.I ANSWERED CORRECTLY FIRST.the only thing that went wrong is i didnt see that the angle was labeled alpha not thetha.bastard >_>

and there went my aurora topic.and then the ee lim incarnate took my 2nd choice...lightning!!!!!

so then photonics was it xD but still its okay.i guess :O

eh brandon want go concert or not want?faster comfirm.even rj comin liao. =) come come la.

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