Wednesday, December 30, 2009


How is it fugly except on that day when you have class from 10-4? Hmm..

MAKAN ON THE 1ST OF JAN! Ask Nat or Kay for details.

Monday, December 28, 2009


Our whole universe was in a hot dense state,
Then nearly fourteen billion years ago expansion started. Wait...
The Earth began to cool,
The autotrophs began to drool,
Neanderthals developed tools,
We built a wall (we built the pyramids),
Math, science, history, unraveling the mysteries,
That all started with the big bang!

"Since the dawn of man" is really not that long,
As every galaxy was formed in less time than it takes to sing this song.
A fraction of a second and the elements were made.
The bipeds stood up straight,
The dinosaurs all met their fate,
They tried to leap but they were late
And they all died (they froze their asses off)
The oceans and pangea
See ya wouldn't wanna be ya
Set in motion by the same big bang!

It all started with the big BANG!

It's expanding ever outward but one day
It will cause the stars to go the other way,
Collapsing ever inward, we won't be here, it wont be hurt
Our best and brightest figure that it'll make an even bigger bang!

Australopithecus would really have been sick of us
Debating out while here they're catching deer (we're catching viruses)
Religion or astronomy, Encarta, Deuteronomy
It all started with the big bang!

Music and mythology, Einstein and astrology
It all started with the big bang!
It all started with the big BANG!

Thursday, December 10, 2009

The Nobel Prize

On December 10, 1901, the first Nobel Prizes are awarded in Stockholm, Sweden, in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. The ceremony came on the fifth anniversary of the death of Alfred Nobel, the Swedish inventor of dynamite and other high explosives. In his will, Nobel directed that the bulk of his vast fortune be placed in a fund in which the interest would be "annually distributed in the form of prizes to those who, during the preceding year, shall have conferred the greatest benefit on mankind." Although Nobel offered no public reason for his creation of the prizes, it is widely believed that he did so out of moral regret over the increasingly lethal uses of his inventions in war.

Alfred Bernhard Nobel was born in Stockholm in 1833, and four years later his family moved to Russia. His father ran a successful St. Petersburg factory that built explosive mines and other military equipment. Educated in Russia, Paris, and the United States, Alfred Nobel proved a brilliant chemist. When his father's business faltered after the end of the Crimean War, Nobel returned to Sweden and set up a laboratory to experiment with explosives. In 1863, he invented a way to control the detonation of nitroglycerin, a highly volatile liquid that had been recently discovered but was previously regarded as too dangerous for use. Two years later, Nobel invented the blasting cap, an improved detonator that inaugurated the modern use of high explosives. Previously, the most dependable explosive was black powder, a form of gunpowder.

Nitroglycerin remained dangerous, however, and in 1864 Nobel's nitroglycerin factory blew up, killing his younger brother and several other people. Searching for a safer explosive, Nobel discovered in 1867 that the combination of nitroglycerin and a porous substance called kieselguhr produced a highly explosive mixture that was much safer to handle and use. Nobel christened his invention "dynamite," for the Greek word dynamis, meaning "power." Securing patents on dynamite, Nobel acquired a fortune as humanity put his invention to use in construction and warfare.

In 1875, Nobel created a more powerful form of dynamite, blasting gelatin, and in 1887 introduced ballistite, a smokeless nitroglycerin powder. Around that time, one of Nobel's brothers died in France, and French newspapers printed obituaries in which they mistook him for Alfred. One headline read, "The merchant of death is dead." Alfred Nobel in fact had pacifist tendencies and in his later years apparently developed strong misgivings about the impact of his inventions on the world. After he died in San Remo, Italy, on December 10, 1896, the majority of his estate went toward the creation of prizes to be given annually in the fields of physics, chemistry, medicine, literature, and peace. The portion of his will establishing the Nobel Peace Prize read, "[one award shall be given] to the person who has done the most or best work for fraternity among nations, for the abolition or reduction of standing armies, and for the holding and promotion of peace congresses." Exactly five years after his death, the first Nobel awards were presented.

Today, the Nobel Prizes are regarded as the most prestigious awards in the world in their various fields. Notable winners have included Marie Curie, Theodore Roosevelt, Albert Einstein, George Bernard Shaw, Winston Churchill, Ernest Hemingway, Martin Luther King, Jr., the Dalai Lama, Mikhail Gorbachev, and Nelson Mandela. Multiple leaders and organizations sometimes receive the Nobel Peace Prize, and multiple researchers often share the scientific awards for their joint discoveries. In 1968, a Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science was established by the Swedish national bank, Sveriges Riksbank, and first awarded in 1969.

The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences decides the prizes in physics, chemistry, and economic science; the Swedish Royal Caroline Medico-Surgical Institute determines the physiology or medicine award; the Swedish Academy chooses literature; and a committee elected by the Norwegian parliament awards the peace prize. The Nobel Prizes are still presented annually on December 10, the anniversary of Nobel's death. In 2006, each Nobel Prize carried a cash prize of nearly $1,400,000 and recipients also received a gold medal, as is the tradition.

Wednesday, December 9, 2009

Tuesday, December 8, 2009


ὡς οὐκ ἔστι λέουσι καὶ ἀνδράσιν ὅρκια πιστά,
οὐδὲ λύκοι τε καὶ ἄρνες ὁμόφρονα θυμὸν ἔχουσιν,
ἀλλὰ κακὰ φρονέουσι διαμπερὲς ἀλλήλοισιν

or, the exact translation;
As there can be no covenants between men and lions,
neither can wolves and lambs ever be of one mind,
but hate each other for ever and ever.

whoever knew Greek literature was so interesting =P all the memorized names of books we did in Form 3 is interesting after all.

Friday, November 27, 2009

Book Sale Galore!

First it was the MPH book sale.... Large variety but the sales were just so so.

Then there is Big Bad Wolf Books Sale..... EVERYTHING off at least 70%. Now that is a real sale!! And knowing us malaysians, when there is such a sale, there will be people. And what a crowd there was. Yesterday was the first day and it recorded more than 5 thousand customers.. With so many customers on the first day you reckon there'd be less on the 2nd day. But noooo....

Look at the damn crowd just lining up to get in...

The line starts behind the white pillar in the middle. It goes to the other end of the block, curve to where I am taking this picture from..

Then it continues and turn once again....

And before you can think of going to the shop itself, the line snakes another turn all the way to the other end of the block and back to this side of the block.... The picture above? yea those aren't people walking around. All lining up.

Now is the wait worth it. YES!! I got one BOX full of books just for rm112. ALL OF IT!! One of the books I bought retailed at the MPH Book Sale for rm130. Here, it was rm15. =D

I got a box full of books for a price thats lower than what I could get that one book at the MPH book sale...

Said box of books

Now then... who's up for a visit to Pn Lee Hee Ai?? =P

PS: Sorry for the bad picture quality XD

Tuesday, November 24, 2009

Cheap Lenovo??? OMG

The recent influx of netbooks and light weight, low powered machines to the marketplace has made shopping for a hardcore, no-BS, no compromise machine a much harder task (since Alienware is all but affordable in Msia >___> ). That however isn’t going to be an issue for much longer, because Lenovo have just launched a monster of a notebook today.

The IdeaPad Y550P not only comes powered with an Intel Core i7 processor, but is also fully decked out with 4GB of RAM, a NVIDIA GeForce GT240M 1GB card, 500GB of storage, and a Blu-ray Disc combo drive. That’s all excellent specs for a notebook, but what really makes this machine stand out from the competition is it’s relatively affordable price tag. RM4799!




RM4799 ONLY!!

Saturday, November 21, 2009

The Blind Side

"The Blind Side" depicts the remarkable true story of Michael Oher, a homeless African-American youngster from a broken home, taken in by the Touhys, a well-to-do white family who help him fulfill his potential. At the same time, Oher's presence in the Touhys' lives leads them to some insightful self-discoveries of their own. Living in his new environment, the teen faces a completely different set of challenges to overcome. As a football player and student, Oher works hard and, with the help of his coaches and adopted family, becomes an All-American offensive left tackle..

(thanks to

A picture of the real Michael Oher and the Touhys

I only have one question, WHY ISN'T THIS MOVIE BEING SHOWN IN MALAYSIA?!?!??!

for those who want to view the trailer click here.

China's Overkill

A huge nest of hornets responsible for a wave of terror and one death was assaulted by army units in a bid to annihilate it.

The gigantic hornet nest, 1.6m wide and situated out of reach up a tree, had recently been responsible for numerous hornet attacks, including one fatality, and was forcing many villagers to take lengthy detours if they wished to avoid being stung.

With the local fire brigade unable to fell the tree due to the nearby buildings, an urgent call for assistance was made, and it was answered by a nearby PLA reconnaissance battalion, who dispatched a squad armed with flamethrowers to the scene, complete with chemical warfare suits and anti-bee nets.

Two bursts from their flamethrowers reduced the nest to flaming mass of scorched insects. XD

Tuesday, November 17, 2009

The Great Connection??

Scientists finally found out a biological association between our brain and cell phone usage. Researchers at Sweden's Orebro University recently announced their findings that cell phone increases the amount of transthyretin – a protein that is a part of the fluid that helps protect our brain – in the blood.

However, they still couldn’t figure out whether the said biological reaction is good or bad for humans, which pretty much put us back to square one. Don’t worry; numerous of other researches are still going on throughout the world that still trying to find possible health risks of cell phones to us.

For the mean time, maybe all of us could take some time to ponder the future of humanity if cell phones were taken away from our lives. Oh, the horror...

On another note: People are coming back soon! =)


RE: RE: 7 weeks

It's my err Christmas break i guess they would call it. My summer break's in May and that's the 3 month long break. Basically just the opposite of Aussie's holiday period :O

I have 4 more weeks till home :(

lol and if that's the case goodluck RJ and Nat!

Lets meet up for a BBQ during Christmas or whenever or wherever! lol. Just to catch up and stuff!

Sunday, November 15, 2009

RE: 7 weeks

Why 7 weeks so weird? What holiday is that? Mid-year break?

Hohoho. I'm almost done with my exams. One more paper to go on Tuesday then it's freeeeedommmm.

Nat's and RJ's STPM should be starting next week. Or I could be wrong. Nat has gone missing from the cyber world so I'm guessing they're busy with exam prep and stuff.

On another note, I'm coming back in SIX DAYS. I miss home!

Wednesday, November 11, 2009

GO unleashed!

As Google continues their quest for world domination (yes it's obvious =D), they have taken a new weapon into their arsenal. Say hello to GO, google's OWN programming language. check out the following sites if you want to know more.


Information Week

and, google's own site, here.

Monday, November 9, 2009

The Great Northeast Blackout

At dusk, the biggest power failure in U.S. history occurs as all of New York state, portions of seven neighboring states, and parts of eastern Canada are plunged into darkness. The Great Northeast Blackout began at the height of rush hour, delaying millions of commuters, trapping 800,000 people in New York's subways, and stranding thousands more in office buildings, elevators, and trains. Ten thousand National Guardsmen and 5,000 off-duty policemen were called into service to prevent looting.

The blackout was caused by the tripping of a 230-kilovolt transmission line near Ontario, Canada, at 5:16 p.m., which caused several other heavily loaded lines also to fail. This precipitated a surge of power that overwhelmed the transmission lines in western New York, causing a "cascading" tripping of additional lines, resulting in the eventual breakup of the entire Northeastern transmission network. All together, 30 million people in eight U.S. states and the Canadian provinces of Ontario and Quebec were affected by the blackout. During the night, power was gradually restored to the blacked-out areas, and by morning power had been restored throughout the Northeast.

On August 14, 2003 another major blackout occurred which affected most of Eastern Canada as well as most of the Eastern United States

in other words, STUPID CANADA!! you suck!! [except for you keeping Peter Chao alive =D ]

Friday, November 6, 2009

Thursday, November 5, 2009

Guy Fawkes Night!

Remember, remember the Fifth of November,
The Gunpowder Treason and Plot,
I know of* no reason
Why the Gunpowder Treason
Should ever be forgot.
Guy Fawkes, Guy Fawkes, t'was his intent
To blow up the King and Parli'ment.
Three-score barrels of powder below
To prove old England's overthrow;
By God's providence he was catch'd
With a dark lantern and burning match.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, let the bells ring.
Holloa boys, holloa boys, God save the King!

Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Not Dead!!!

The holidays have come upon me at last! and what better way to start the holidays than with university applications no??? >___> i've been buried under the avalanche of stupid personal statements that i pretty much lost interest in updating yumcha already.

in addition to that, with everyone sitting for their finals now, i don't really think anyone else would update. but then brandon did D= so i shall follow suite with this really short update =P

oh yes, when anyone of you finally have some free time, go watch Law Abiding Citizen!!

It's an epic show and I've already watched it twice =) i can think of no other show that comes close to its type, excepting one which is V for Vendetta. Amazing how Gerard Butler is coming up with so many shows in so little time. The next Will Smith perhaps?

7 Weeks!

Ignore the title. I didn't know what to put in place of that. and err yeah 7 more weeks and I'm back in Malaysia :D

How's everyone doing! Me thinks RJ, Nat, and Kay-li's exams are around the corner yes no? Goodluck anyway!

Random post because I'm bored and blog seems to be dying again @@

Thursday, October 29, 2009

Assasin's Creed - Lineage

The way games are being marketed now is so much different from that of 2-3 years ago. Nowadays, it is considered a norm to use trailers of videos and not in-game-playing shots to advertize. But looking at how Ubisoft is planning to create hype for Assasin's Creed II, you just know it's fucking epic...

This video is a one of a few short episodes that leads to the game that will be released.... Looking at the graphic detail, it's one to watch out for.

Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Halo: Reach

Finally!! Reach is coming!

Sunday, October 25, 2009

Arrested for being naked at home???

A man charged with indecent exposure for making a cup of coffee naked in his kitchen faces a possible prison sentence.

The 29-year-old Virginia man was standing naked in his kitchen making a cup of coffee one morning when a woman and her 7-year-old son passed by his window and saw him.

Apparently upset at the harm done to her child, she reported the incident to police, who came running to arrest the deviant.

He admitted being naked in his own home:

“Yes I wasn’t wearing any clothes but I was alone, in my own home and just got out of bed. It was dark and I had no idea anyone was outside looking in at me.”

However, the man, who himself has a young daughter, denies being a perverted fiend:

“I am a loving dad. Any of my friends and anyone knows that and there is not a chance on this planet I would ever, ever, ever do anything like that to a kid.

I never had a conversation with anyone, never saw anyone. Didn’t cross my mind, came and got coffee. I mean if I stood and seemed comfortable in my kitchen possibly it’s natural. It’s my kitchen.”

Police say he was arrested because they suspected him to be an exhibitionist.

If convicted he faces a fine and up to a year in prison; he denies the charges and is seeking redress from police.


what the hell woman, it's his own home! you peek into a guy's house and then sue him for this??

Thursday, October 22, 2009

Moral Story??

A reminder that you can take your time to do/say something, just make sure it doesn't take forever.

10th grade

As I sat there in English class, I stared at the girl next to me. She was my so called "best friend". I stared at her long, silky hair, and wished she was mine. But she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. After class, she walked up to me and asked me for the notes she had missed the day before and handed them to her. She said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I wanted to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

11th grade
The phone rang. On the other end, it was her. She was in tears, mumbling on and on about how her love had broke her heart. She asked me to come over because she didn't want to be alone, so I did. As I sat next to her on the sofa, I stared at her soft eyes, wishing she was mine. After 2 hours, one Drew Barrymore movie, and three bags of chips, she decided to go to sleep. She looked at me, said "thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Senior year
The day before prom she walked to my locker. My date is sick" she said; he's not going to go well, I didn't have a date, and in 7th grade, we made a promise that if neither of us had dates, we would go together just as "best friends". So we did. Prom night, after everything was over, I was standing at her front door step. I stared at her as she smiled at me and stared at me with her crystal eyes. I want her to be mine, but she isn't think of me like that, and I know it. Then she said "I had the best time, thanks!" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Graduation Day
A day passed, then a week, then a month. Before I could blink, it was graduation day. I watched as her perfect body floated like an angel up on stage to get her diploma. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't notice me like that, and I knew it. Before everyone went home, she came to me in her smock and hat, and cried as I hugged her. Then she lifted her head from my shoulder and said, "you're my best friend, thanks" and gave me a kiss on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

A Few Years Later
Now I sit in the pews of the church. That girl is getting married now. I watched her say "I do" and drive off to her new life, married to another man. I wanted her to be mine, but she didn't see me like that, and I knew it. But before she drove away, she came to me and said "you came!". She said "thanks" and kissed me on the cheek. I want to tell her, I want her to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love her but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why.

Years passed, I looked down at the coffin of a girl who used to be my "best friend". At the service, they read a diary entry she had wrote in her high school years. This is what it read: I stare at him wishing he was mine, but he doesn't notice me like that, and I know it. I want to tell him, I want him to know that I don't want to be just friends, I love him but I'm just too shy, and I don't know why. I wish he would tell me he loved me! `I wish I did too...` I thought to my self, and I cried.

Tuesday, October 20, 2009

Rest In Peace

I had a friend named Boon Jim. It can be said that I was a rather close friend of his while he was in INTI. I kind of lost contact with him when he left for the States in August. And today I find out I'll never be able to contact him again. He was found dead in his dorm room Monday morning. The report can be read here.

Rest in peace Boon Jim. You'll be remembered.

Just read a really interesting article on force over diplomacy when I should be completing my chemistry assignment =P take a look here. If you have time, give it a read.

Monday, October 19, 2009

Microsoft's Arrogance?

Microsoft has admitted the PS3 looks set to outsell the Xbox 360 even in its US stronghold, but defiantly maintains that the Xbox’s annual sales will still exceed those of the PS3, and that the Xbox 360 will outsell the PS3 “for this entire generation.”

Microsoft’s top flack Aaron Greenberg holds forth yet again on why Sony is doomed:

“I can tell you to that when NPD releases September sales… we fully expect PlayStation 3 will come in as the console with the most units sold for the month.

This is frankly not a real surprise to us or the analysts that follow this industry, as it is typical to see a short term bump following the introduction of new hardware and pricing into the marketplace.

What I can tell you is we remain confident that Xbox 360 will not only outsell PS3 for the full calendar year, but for this entire generation.

It is similar to a game of baseball, it is not about just winning one inning, but instead being able to win the game by consistently delivering across all nine innings.”

It's Guang Yuan's Birthday!!

As per title, Happy Birthday Guang Yuan XD eventhough you don't read this blog. muahaha.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Finland has become the first country in the world to make broadband Internet access as a guaranteed legal right of its citizens - (almost) all 5.3 million of them - by July 2010.

When they said broadband connection, what they mean is not just kilobits worth of connection. For them, it's one megabit. However, 1 Mbit connections is just an ice breaker as the country's Ministry of Transport and Communications set a target to increase the broadband speed even further to 100 Mb by the end of 2015.

I wonder when Malaysia will follow suit!! =D *waits... and waits........*


on a lighter note, see any of you going to Nicky's later =) and, check out Peter Chao on youtube. just search for Chinese Guy... he has loads of vids up. and it's damn kewl!

Friday, October 16, 2009

Thursday, October 15, 2009

Are you thinking what I'm... (con'd below xD)

...thinking that I think that you're thinking I'm thinking because if you think that I think what I think I'm thinking then we've got a problem?

Haha, doesn't the title get a little confusing? xD

on to the main reason of the post, Nicky's having his open house on Saturday and all readers (that i know of, though you may not actually be invited by reading this but since it is an open house i guess you're invited! [ actually no you're not unless nicky said so]) are invited! =D

there will be glorious food once again! not to mention really scrumptious muruku!!!! ^_^ other than that, it's good to meet up with whoever i can. in addition, i get to rub it in nicky's face the fact that he didn't know he could take the INTI bus back to subang xD rather than taking the taxi to the ktm station, the ktm to central, change ktm to subang and then have his parents get him from the subang ktm station!

and nat, yes, i'm going. so you better go! or else, no more L4d for youuuu. even after your STPM! though i haven't played with you for a while =P but still! come la!!!!

Sunday, October 11, 2009

Came across a really interesting vid. Give it a look!

You know it's not your day when...

Note: If you don't play Command and Conquer, you won't get it xD Post credited to gamereplays!

• You suddenly find your Radar has gone offline, courtesy of your MCV having been captured.

• When you send a scout team only to find your opponent already has his roaming around your base merrily.

• Your scout team somehow manages to infiltrate, albeit a bit late, only to find your opponent already has two Refineries with five Harvesters plying.

• You suddenly realize depending too much on Harvesting training was not such a good idea after all when 3–4 Orcas circle atop your Refineries.

• Your Engineer gets ambushed just before Spike capture.

• You hit 'Widen search' on Automatch and end up meeting vOddy.

• And he's mad.

• You hit 'Widen Search' on Automatch and end up meeting another player better than you and even though you want to DC you can't, because he happens to be a Game Admin or a Director, especially concerning "Fair Play Forums".

• You hear the cry of our opponent's Epic unit, while you are still in the midst of gearing up your Tech center.

• You suddenly find a beacon near your Refineries and then hear that deadly 'swooshing' sound of the Catalyst missile, undoing your hard work in a jiff of a moment.

• You send a large army of infantry only to discover they were being smothered by huge chunks of green rocks.

• You gleefully think you are about to take out your opponents Redeemer or Hexapod, only to find it had disappeared all of a sudden.

• You bask in the glory of ensnaring your secondary Tiberium field, only to realize later on that there was a third which your opponent had capitalized on.

• You are just about to smash the last remaining structure of your opponents main base and about to pump your fists in the air, when you suddenly realize, he has moved to a different unknown location. Worse still, your own main base is now near annihilation.

• You decide to take mass Infantry without back up, only to notice your opponent was using them for target practice with his Snipers dealing in headshots.

• You bring in your own Snipers only to find your opponent thought of two more along with a few APC's to pick them up.

• Your Stealth tank manages to sneak in and about to go into action, when you realize its cloak has been broken by Pitbulls and a Sonic emitter already placed at a vantage point.

• You make expensive units only to find some of them turn against you as Cultists take over.

• You bring back up along with your Missile spam, only to find a Commando, while burp, burping a few of them, had jet packed all the way to your MCV.

• You send five fully loaded tanks, ready to smash your opponent to pulp when a bubble holds them in place and they helplessly stare in the faces of some seven Annihilator tripods.

• When you finally manage to take in your army of tanks and Infantry, you suddenly realize the atmosphere is not all that you expected. Ion storms, lighting, thunder, Static and energy blasts hold you in a hypnotic trance till you finally realize this barrier is not going to break all that easily.

• You heave a sigh of relief when you find your opponents blue Tiberium field unoccupied, whilst all the time he was stealing yours.

• Your opponent starts flaming you and worse still, knocks the stuffing out of you, adding insult to injury.

• Finally, you overcome all hurdles only to find your opponent was a rank coward, willing to take the fun away from this game by DC'ing.

• You feel happy that a 3/10 win/loss ratio noob was willing to play against your 10/3 win/loss record and it turns out your opponent was the better smurf.

• You work hard to finally get six Hammerheads laden with Missile squads airworthy and headed towards your opponent, only to hear a supersonic boom vaporizing your hard earned time.

• You type a nice message stating "DC = Report", and after 10 minutes into the game, it is you who are contemplating if indeed DC = Report.

Saturday, October 10, 2009

The best Paint to hit the market!

Researchers at University of Tokyo claimed that they have just created a paint solution that is able to block out wireless signals. Though there's nothing new about frequency absorbing paint, this particular batch is actually the first paint ever that is able to absorb frequencies as high as 100GHz. As a comparison, Wi-Fi signals run on the 2.4GHz spectrum, a pretty huge buffer there.

Finally! Cheapskates beware! Get your own internet you little suckers.

Friday, October 9, 2009


Since there has been a post on accidents...

The London Beer Flood occurred on October 16, 1814 in the London parish of St. Giles in the United Kingdom. At the Meux and Company Brewery[1] on Tottenham Court Road,[2][1] a huge vat containing over 135,000 imperial gallons (610,000 l) of beer ruptured, causing other vats in the same building to succumb in a domino effect. As a result, more than 323,000 imperial gallons (1,470,000 l) of beer burst out and gushed into the streets. The wave of beer destroyed two homes and crumbled the wall of the Tavistock Arms Pub, trapping the barmaid under the rubble.[3]

The brewery was located among the poor houses and tenements of the St Giles Rookery, where whole families lived in basement rooms that quickly filled with beer. The wave left nine people dead: eight due to drowning and one from alcohol poisoning.[2]

The brewery was eventually taken to court over the accident, but the disaster was ruled to be an Act of God by the judge and jury, leaving no one responsible. The company found it difficult to cope with the financial implications of the disaster, with a significant loss of sales made worse because they had already paid duty on the beer. They made a successful application to Parliament reclaiming the duty which allowed them to continue trading.[4]

The brewery was demolished in 1922, and today, the Dominion Theatre occupies a part of the site of the former brewery.

You just know that guy who died of alcohol poisoning went out into the streets and began drinking the beer before he died.

Thursday, October 8, 2009

The Great Chicago Fire! =P

On this day in 1871, flames spark in the Chicago barn of Patrick and Catherine O'Leary, igniting a 2-day blaze that kills between 200 and 300 people, destroys 17,450 buildings,leaves 100,000 homeless and causes an estimated $200 million (in 1871 dollars; $3 billion in 2007 dollars) in damages. Legend has it that a cow kicked over a lantern in the O'Leary barn and started the fire, but other theories hold that humans or even a comet may have been responsible for the event that left four square miles of the Windy City, including its business district, in ruins. Dry weather and an abundance of wooden buildings, streets and sidewalks made Chicago vulnerable to fire. The city averaged two fires per day in 1870; there were 20 fires throughout Chicago the week before the Great Fire of 1871.

Despite the fire's devastation, much of Chicago's physical infrastructure, including its water, sewage and transportation systems, remained intact. Reconstruction efforts began quickly and spurred great economic development and population growth, as architects laid the foundation for a modern city featuring the world's first skyscrapers. At the time of the fire, Chicago's population was approximately 324,000; within nine years,there were 500,000 Chicagoans. By 1893, the city was a major economic and transportation hub with an estimated population of 1.5 million. That same year, Chicago was chosen to host the World's Columbian Exposition, a major tourist attraction visited by 27.5 million people, or approximately half the U.S. population at the time.

In 1997, the Chicago City Council exonerated Mrs. O'Leary and her cow. She turned into a recluse after the fire, and died in 1895.

Monday, October 5, 2009

The Speech That Started The Allies

I've always found this speech to be one of high importance to myself. And when I heard the real clip itself just now, felt the need to post it up. Random, I know =P

Winston Churchill on 4 June 1940:

I have, myself, full confidence that if all do their duty, if nothing is neglected, and if the best arrangements are made, as they are being made, we shall prove ourselves once again able to defend our Island home, to ride out the storm of war, and to outlive the menace of tyranny, if necessary for years, if necessary alone.

At any rate, that is what we are going to try to do. That is the resolve of His Majesty's Government-every man of them. That is the will of Parliament and the nation.

The British Empire and the French Republic, linked together in their cause and in their need, will defend to the death their native soil, aiding each other like good comrades to the utmost of their strength.

Even though large tracts of Europe and many old and famous States have fallen or may fall into the grip of the Gestapo and all the odious apparatus of Nazi rule, we shall not flag or fail.

We shall go on to the end, we shall fight in France,
we shall fight on the seas and oceans,
we shall fight with growing confidence and growing strength in the air, we shall defend our Island, whatever the cost may be,
we shall fight on the beaches,
we shall fight on the landing grounds,
we shall fight in the fields and in the streets,
we shall fight in the hills;
we shall never surrender, and even if, which I do not for a moment believe, this Island or a large part of it were subjugated and starving, then our Empire beyond the seas, armed and guarded by the British Fleet, would carry on the struggle, until, in God's good time, the New World, with all its power and might, steps forth to the rescue and the liberation of the old.

Sunday, October 4, 2009


Walla Walla Washington! Cowabunga!

Wern Pheng would like you all to know he now lives only 3 blocks away from the harlem, where people get mugged, shot and stabbed every day.

But hopefully, not him.

I like the soup.

Friday, October 2, 2009

wow there are actually a number of updates.. proper ones even! kay is surprised :)

good job brandon. how bout pictures of where you're staying? how's US btw?

G'luck whoever's having exams/assignments/reports/projects!

Oh another thing, I'm tentatively coming back on the 21st of november! finish my exams on the 17th. pretty early so that's always good. anyway, the date's not confirmed but it'll definitely be before the 25th. so hope to see you guys then :)

Thursday, October 1, 2009

Blog seems to be slowing dying again D=

anyhow anyone care to take a look at this? click HERE. good ar?? seems like a good bargain actually o.O''

Sunday, September 27, 2009

What the soup... Nat you just copied that whole thing from Wikipedia!! @@" and you didn't cite it! infringement of public information. D= but then again it's public information.

lol, tournament only ma Brandon. because of that emo?? go ask rj join xD then you can steal the prize money for letting him know about the tournament. demand uhh.... compensation for information xD

and for those who noticed i was missing, i was in Melacca!! pics up on fb since i didn't bring a camera along. and all the pics were taken by others. and on a side note, Melacca seems much more modern for a city that is supposed to be our country's official historical city. D=


Cybertime WCG DotA Amateur tournament 2009
Date : 3 & 4 October 2009
Venue: Cybertime. Mega Mendung
Slot : Max 32teams
Registration fee : RM 70 per team
Prize :
Champion : RM1500 + WCG2009 Gold medal + others sponsor prize
1st ruuner-up : RM1000 + WCG2009 Silver Medal + others sponsor prize
2nd runner-up : RM500 + WCG2009 bronze Medal + others sponsor prize
Important Highlights of Cybertime WCG DotA Amateur tournament
*Members of Team KingSurf will be ban from participating the tournament.
*Members of Team Cybertime 1 will be ban from participating the tournament.
*Members of Team InC-xlo will be ban from participating the tournament.
*Members of Team Keydone-MU will be ban from participating the tournament.
*No team seedings, fixtures based on random draw on tournament day.

Teams that wish to register or reserve slot please contact or sms :
We also would like to make the registration with a easy way:
JUST A SIMPLE STEP: SMS your team name,leader name, ic number and another player contact number to below contact numberFor make it more easy, the registration fee will be pay on the spot

I am emo now. Very very emo. I should have transferred 1 semester later.........



Hello people. I really don't know what to post how about some FUYOOOHHH GENERAL KNOWLEDGE?

Soup is a food that is made by combining ingredients, such as meat and vegetables with stock, juice, water or another liquid. Hot soups are additionally characterized by boiling solid ingredients in liquids until the flavor is extracted, forming a broth.

Traditionally, soups are classified into two broad groups: clear soups and thick soups. The established French classifications of clear soups are bouillon and consommé. Thick soups are classified depending upon the type of thickening agent used: purées are vegetable soups thickened with starch; bisques are made from puréed shellfish or vegetables thickened with cream; cream soups may be thickened with béchamel sauce; and veloutés are thickened with eggs, butter and cream. Other ingredients commonly used to thicken soups and broths include rice, flour and grains.


Sunday, September 20, 2009

Yes Nat. you see things correctly. actually, i bet you wouldn't if i had not leave that msg on your chatbox. you with your sinister attitude of yours, had boldly abandoned this blog for a time. I remember you posting about it.... somewhere xD on one of your other 2 blogs.

In other news :

NEW YORK (AP) -- Roger Federer has been fined $1,500 for using a profanity while arguing with the chair umpire during the US Open final.

CBS microphones picked up the exchange during its live broadcast of the match.

Tournament spokesman Chris Widmaier says Federer is being docked the same amount as two other players -- Vera Zvonareva and Daniel Koellerer -- for audible obscenity.

Widmaier says a total of $31,500 in fines is being collected by the tournament, topped by Serena Williams' $10,000 for unsportsmanlike conduct. She also was fined $500 for racket abuse.

Daniel Nestor was docked $5,000 for unsportsmanlike conduct toward a fan.

I lol-ed at Serena Williams XD

PS: News thanks to

Saturday, September 19, 2009


What's this I see? Blog...coming alive? Mraaaah.

That was my British laugh, in case you lot didn't know.

Why the sudden effort? Heh heh heh.


Friday, September 18, 2009


I will get these someday..... Maybe before I go home for Christmas xD

Wednesday, September 16, 2009

Burglar Dismembered with Katana in Samurai Self-Defence

This is just epic xD

A serial burglar was spectacularly slain with a katana after he broke into a man’s home; the man hacked off the burglar’s hand and slashed his neck, killing him.

Police have not charged the killer, as he was judged to be acting in self-defence.

The man whose home was invaded was a medical student at the esteemed John Hopkins University in Baltimore, living with several other students; he had recently reported a similar break-in in which laptops and a PlayStation were stolen.

Being confronted by another intruder, a 40-year-old career criminal just released from prison, with a long history of burglaries, he was in no mood to back down.

The burglar was discovered breaking in via their garage, and whilst police were summoned the burglar was confronted by the student, who was armed with a katana.

Police describe the burglar lunging at the student, who “then retaliated by striking him with a samurai sword, severed his left hand and gave severe lacerations to the upper torso,” fatally injuring him.

Police politely skirt about his unusual choice of weapon in a nation which prefers to commit homicides with firearms:

“I think everyone has the right to first of all defend themselves and defend their home and if this individual felt that a samurai sword was an appropriate tool to do so, I’m not in a position to say that’s good or bad.”

Self-defence and the right to bear arms, whether sword or otherwise, are of course highly cherished liberties in the USA.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

omg. someone else besides me posted something!!! good job brandon xD now all we need is the others to start posting. again i mean. :D

one question though, why your laptop picture, SO many boxes behind!! @@

Overdue pictures!

Some place in Purdue with the bell tower, fountain, grass, trees, more grass and mini flags to remember 9/11 TT!

Because awesome laptop deserves to be posted.

Huntington Beach.



Ok I'm no blogger and this post took me ages to do, or rather 5 mins of my time when I should be studying for my Differential Equation quiz D:

PLS REVIVE THIS DYING BLOG #(*#!(#! D: CPR, jolting, whatever D:

Tuesday, September 8, 2009

They shoul really make a Halo movie... Look at this ADVERTISEMENT for the new Halo game...

link be here.

Friday, September 4, 2009

Lo and Behold. No one has updated. As to be as expected since Nat abandoned the blog! Evel she be D:

it has come to my attention, that nat and the rj, are having their trials this week, so good luck to you guys!! though there are many more 3 hour long papers to endure, more brain cell-killing-time consuming-pen ink wasting-question practicing to go, i bet you guys will come out of it in one piece. :D you better, because i don't think i can make do with 2 nats.

oh, and the fact that Australia gets movies much slower than we do in Malaysia is... shocking! or it could be the fact that the market for movie goers over there is much smaller due to the higher price for movie tickets even in terms of dollar to dollar. ah wtv, the point is, i was expecting to watch Taking of Pelham 123 when i got back to Malaysia. and the day i got back was the day they stopped showing it!! faggy luck i say.

i also noticed today.. that i have one week of holidays coming up that i never knew of. i kept checking the AUP timetable for the short semester, and couldn't find any holidays for it.. after closely scrutinizing the damn thing, only did i find a very mysterious looking entry called Study Week right smack in the middle of the list... they couldn't name it "Holiday" for some reason and had to disguise it as a study week?? -.-

and i see brandon has been coming here o.o' post up pics of your place yo!!

Friday, August 14, 2009


Bye Brandon!

Bye Wern Pheng!

Monday, August 10, 2009

Bye bye bye!


branv. - for Skype

For email, number or anything else, PM me! @@!

Sunday, July 26, 2009

omg why so early flight o.o'' got to go early to send you off D:

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Bye bye people!

1. Yes I went to England and it was fun! =D

2. Bye bye people! Leaving on August the 12th, 10am flight at KLIA.

Monday, July 6, 2009


no wad. just stating the fact =P and another fact is that nat too has abandoned this blog D:

Sunday, July 5, 2009

aiya dont be such a party pooper la.
didnt brandon go to london or sth for holiday? how was it brandon? =D
heard u guys went for SU's hari keluarga too. Lol. Mustve been fun. Wish I could've gone =/ eeeeesh

Saturday, June 27, 2009

lolz. finally someone else besides me and nat posting. albeit a short post xD

eh, brandon got four months of holiday you know! =P
wheeee holidays started for meeee! :D
A whole month off :D

Sunday, June 21, 2009

La Di Dah

Thinking about shutting this blog down. Too many blogs for me to handle.

Monday, June 15, 2009


hu hu.. looks like even Nat has abandoned this blog D=

Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Your daily dose of kewl historic facts =D

June 10: General Interest
1752 : Franklin flies kite during thunderstorm

On this day in 1752, Benjamin Franklin flies a kite during a thunderstorm and collects a charge in a Leyden jar when the kite is struck by lightning, enabling him to demonstrate the electrical nature of lightning. Franklin became interested in electricity in the mid-1740s, a time when much was still unknown on the topic, and spent almost a decade conducting electrical experiments. He coined a number of terms used today, including battery, conductor and electrician. He also invented the lightning rod, used to protect buildings and ships.

Franklin was born on January 17, 1706, in Boston, to a candle and soap maker named Josiah Franklin, who fathered 17 children, and his wife Abiah Folger. Franklin’s formal education ended at age 10 and he went to work as an apprentice to his brother James, a printer. In 1723, following a dispute with his brother, Franklin left Boston and ended up in Philadelphia, where he found work as a printer. Following a brief stint as a printer in London, Franklin returned to Philadelphia and became a successful businessman, whose publishing ventures included the Pennsylvania Gazette and Poor Richard’s Almanack, a collection of homespun proverbs advocating hard work and honesty in order to get ahead. The almanac, which Franklin first published in 1733 under the pen name Richard Saunders, included such wisdom as: "Early to bed, early to rise, makes a man healthy, wealthy and wise." Whether or not Franklin followed this advice in his own life, he came to represent the classic American overachiever. In addition to his accomplishments in business and science, he is noted for his numerous civic contributions. Among other things, he developed a library, insurance company, city hospital and academy in Philadelphia that would later become the University of Pennsylvania.

Most significantly, Franklin was one of the founding fathers of the United States and had a career as a statesman that spanned four decades. He served as a legislator in Pennsylvania as well as a diplomat in England and France. He is the only politician to have signed all four documents fundamental to the creation of the U.S.: the Declaration of Independence (1776), the Treaty of Alliance with France (1778), the Treaty of Paris (1783), which established peace with Great Britain, and the U.S. Constitution (1787).

Franklin died at age 84 on April 17, 1790, in Philadelphia. He remains one of the leading figures in U.S. history.

Saturday, June 6, 2009

Guess who is one of the 3 proud owners of Mein Kampf in Malaysia!!!???


Sunday, May 24, 2009

hello nat. i do not see how those rules at SNAWD will help keep it alive.

Friday, May 22, 2009



Sunday, May 17, 2009

a little bird named Nat

zomg.. it has gone that far?? D: what else do you know nat!!!!

Saturday, May 16, 2009


RJ and *ahem* sitting in a tree-ee,

Woo woo! Hahahaha!!

Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Roongjiet!! go change your msn nick = = everytime i open convo with you my msn crashes D=

Out of the Blue

Wah... Haven't been to this blog in ages adi wor... So many posts wan? XD

Sunday, May 3, 2009

rj needs to learn to admit things =D right nat? xD

Friday, May 1, 2009


See, Brandon also agrees!

Wednesday, April 29, 2009


Nat, I second that statement =P

Friday, April 24, 2009



Thursday, April 23, 2009


I think RJ secretly likes Shi Yu.

Yes, Jason, the ping-pong club one.

Saturday, March 28, 2009

Happy Birthday Kay!!!!!!!!!!!

Saturday, March 7, 2009

its not nonsense. was a litmus test to see if anyone actually still reads this blog. i was damn sure it was dead xD but looks like im wrong =O eh, i want author priviliges!!! ><"

the sale in on people. anyone bought anything? must spend. spend only can drive economy =D then we wont die so much in the long run! if all kiam siap like nat, then msia is gone for sure.

i say we need to meet up. who is with me? =D

Friday, March 6, 2009



Thou shalt not posteth nonsense.

Thou shalt not posteth nonsense then claim it was not thou.

Thou shalt entertain Nat when she is online. Eth.

*cues ALMIGHTY noises*

Monday, March 2, 2009

Hello, I'm dear ol' yum cha central! I shall declare myself dead within one week if nobody posts anything up within this coming week. That is, if by the 9th of March 2009, nobody posts anything up after this post, I shall commit suicide and grief shall come upon all of you like the plague did the English! You have been warned!!

*cues ghostly sounds*

PS : Jason didn't post this.

Friday, February 13, 2009


because Kay-Li is going away

Tuesday, February 10, 2009

Heyhey. I know it's been awhile since I last posted here. Sorry!

So I'll be leaving for Australia in about 6 days time (and counting). Feb 17th to be exact. I think I'm the first amongst us to be going off to study. Yikes. Why me... Oh well, packing's 50% done. One HUGE suitcase, one HUGE backpack, one small backpack and one laptop bag. OMG how am I supposed to lug those around the airport myself. I'm flying alone cause most of my college friends are going earlier. Boo for me. Hope I don't get stopped by immigration or customs or anything o.o

Bah. I'll miss you guys! (And our rare gatherings ;)
Everybody's so busy these days. And I'm lazing around at home watching tv everyday... Haha. Rubbing it in on purpose =P

Anyway, will let you guys know if I survived the trip. Later =)

Sunday, January 18, 2009

yea.. i wanted to ask on your cbox.. how'd that happen @@" hows everyone doing?? =D i having my open house on 1st Feb. all lai lai k?

Saturday, January 17, 2009


